We are proud to announce the publication of the Achievements Mastering Math Curriculum.
In the first of its kind, Achievements has partnered with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, a leading provider of k-12 Core Curriculum, to develop a high-quality math book that upholds the standards of our Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs.
The Achievements Mastering Math Curriculum is a guide for students in Grade 6 to learn Math skills based on Common Core Curriculum Standards.
The aim of the lessons is for students to gain knowledge and understanding of the mathematical concepts necessary to function in a world that is very dependent on math applications. Math is essential in many fields, such as medicine, engineering, finance, natural science (biology, physics, chemistry, geology), accounting, and many others.
Mastering Math comes with a complete Teacher’s Edition.
The Teacher’s Edition is a manual that will aid the teacher in presenting the lesson to the class. The student Edition presents each lesson in clear, easy-to-understand language, with many examples to illustrate the concepts. In addition, lots of review exercises for practice are included.
Topic includes:
Connecting the student’s understanding of multiplication and division to ratios and rates
Fractions Decimals, and percents
The foundation of algebra, geometry, and statistics. Using models such as diagrams tables number lines, double number lines, and graphs
The Mastering Maths Curriculum features:
A student hybrid textbook/workbook, and a teacher’s edition. Strategies with clear, easy-to-follow instructions
Practice exercises for review. Chapter tests
Jewish-cultured themes throughout the lessons, created specifically for Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs.
USB Flash Drive with reviews, extra practice, and tests