Fundamentals of Writing: Level 3
After much positive feedback on our popular Fundamentals of Writing series, is now expanding on the first two levels with a high school writing course.
 Fundamentals of Writing Level 3 will be geared towards grades 9-10. It will include a focus on specific writing skills and techniques, as well as a wide variety of writing genres for the students to practice.
Course highlights: 
  • Many important types of writing, including professional bios, memos, and business emails. 
  • Sample writing before every assignment, including sample revisions for improving the writing. Detailed examples and practice for each writing skill. 
  • Glossary of terms at the end of the book. Detailed, step-by-step general instructions for essay writing appear at the end of the book for students to refer to before every writing assignment. 
  • Appendix explaining miscellaneous grammar rules referenced throughout the book


Samples from the Level 3 Student Edition Workbook

Samples from the Teacher's Edition

A classroom set includes the following: 
  • 25 Student Workbooks
  • 1 Teachers edition
Cost: $1120
This curriculum is geared towards grades 9-10.
 To purchase or inquire about the Achievements Writing Curriculum, Please contact:
Naftali Frankel
[email protected]
Or, contact us using the form on this page

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